Are Humpback Whales Endangered?

Are humpback whales endangered today?

Like other large whales, Humpbacks were hunted almost to extinction during the old whaling days.

Their populations were decreased by more than 90%, with North Atlantic populations for example dropping to about 700 individuals.

Humpback Whale, Breaching, Puerto Vallarta
Poster by AllPosters. Click on thumbnail to buy

Global population was reduced to 5,000 individuals when IWC banned whaling of all humpback whales.

Since the ban, humpbacks have made an amazing recovery, and they are not considered endangered anymore!

Since 2008, they have the ICUN status "least concern".

Well done, humpbacks!

The threats they face today are

* noise pollution from ships and navy sonars (it injures their sensitive ears)

* collisions with ships

* fishing and fishing gear

* PSP (paralytic shellfish poisoning)

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