Gray Whale Migration

Gray Whale Migration is the longest migration in all whales.

There used to be North Atlantic Gray Whales, but they were hunted to extinction during the old whaling days.

Gray Whale Back and Blow Hole, Baja, San Ignacio Bay, Mexico
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So now the only gray whales are found in northern Pacific ocean.

They like reasonably coastal habitat, so there are two different populations - one in eastern, and one in western Pacific Ocean.

The western population, which migrates between Korea (winter breeding grounds) and Russia's far east (summer feeding grounds), is endangered.

The eastern population, which migrates between Alaska (summer feeding grounds) and Mexico (winter breeding grounds), has the longest known migration route in all whales.

While migrating, these whales are segregated based on age, sex and reproductive stage.

They often swim close to the coast and are therefore easy to spot.

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