Orca Movies

Here is where you can buy an Orca movie.

They are from Amazon.com - the world's most reliable online bookstore.

Each click takes you to the relevant sales page on Amazon website, you pay to them, and they will send you the book. 

Why Amazon? They are secure, they are quick (you usually receive the item within a few days), and their prices are very hard to beat - just compare what you would pay for the same books in a usual bookshop!

The two I strongly recommend are "The Whale" and "Blackfish."

"The Whale" is a true story about a young Orca who gets lost from his pod and makes friends with humans. "Luna" is another movie about the same whale. I have not watched that one yet.

"Blackfish" is a very informative movie that exposes some untold truths about Orcas in captivity. I think everyone should see this movie!

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