Pygmy Right Whale

Pygmy right whale is a cute creature.

Its Latin name is Caperea Marginata, and it belongs to a different family (Neobalaenidae) from other right whales.
Although it is called a right whale, it is actually closer related to Gray Whale.

Right Whale Calf Swims Next to His Mother Near a Pygmy Right Whale
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It is the smallest baleen whale in the world.

It is about five meters long and weighs about three tons.

It is found in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is believed to be circumpolar and found along the coasts of South Africa, southern Australia, South America and New Zealand.

It eats copepods and has a small blow and slow swimming speed.

Being a small whale, it wasn't hunted much during the whaling days and is not believed to be endangered, however its populations are not very well studied.

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