is plenty of good whale watching east
The main
whale watching on the east coast of the US is up
north, in New England, which includes
the statesMaine,
Vermont, New Hampshire,Massachusetts, Rhode Island andConnecticut.
Some of the most popular places to watch
whales are the
towns around Boston
and Cape
Cod, Massachusetts. This is where the large
baleen whales such as Humpback, Fin, Minke and the rare Right Whales
migrate during the summer months
to feed on krill and plankton, particularly at
Jeffrey's Ledge and Stellwagen Bank. Between
April and October, whale watching tours will take you out to the
ocean to see these amazing creatures up close. Other,
toothed whales such as Orcas, Sperm Whales and Pilot Whales can be
around all year, but are more rare.
"North Atlantic Right Whale Skim Feeding in
Cape Cod Bay" Poster by AllPosters.
Click on thumbnail to buy While on the east coast, you may also want to see the
New Bedford Whaling Museum in Massachusetts. It is weel worth the trip!
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