Whaling in Japan

Whaling in Japan is an old tradition.

It is a very old tradition, which begun centuries ago. Along with other countries it continued through the last century, until the late 1900s when IWC proposed its moratorium and the majority of the world's countries stopped whaling.  

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Japan voted no to the moratorium and continued whaling.

Since commercial whaling was banned, Japan has continued whaling.

They now call it "research whaling" which is effectively commercial whaling as the meat ends up at markets and restaurants.

IWC has therefore rejected such research whaling, however the fact hasn't stopped Japan from continuing the activity.

Anti-whaling countries and activity groups strongly oppose Japanese whaling.

International scientists have stated that Japan's whaling research does not meet the minimum standards of credible scientific research.

There are non-lethal methods available for what they are finding out by their "research".

There have been several conflicts on the sea between Japanese whalers and anti-whaling activists.

Australia and New Zealand have been fighting against whaling in their waters. Australian government has promised to take legal action if the conflict cannot be solved diplomatically.

Japan has replied by hoping for a diplomatic solution, however the Japanese government continuously states that the whaling will not stop.

Some state that Japanese people don't support their government when it comes to whaling.

They do, however, continue eating whale meat.

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